Killala Rd, Apollo Bay, 1976

With an appreciation for the aesthetics and science of natural phenomena, I’m an Apollo Bay resident who took up photography in 1976. I’ve been exhibiting and selling work in Melbourne, Geelong and the Otways region since 2011; and since 2023, have been showing on weekends at The Creek Gallery (Freshwater Creek, VIC 3233)

Sliced Light series -
I spent the 1977 summer in a converted shearing shed at Apollo Bay in south-west Victoria, with music instruments, a half-frame camera and 35mm slide film for recreation.

My reflection photography started there when I began capturing light combinations in the shed windows. Living in Fitzroy later, I framed a small two-way mirror (for tripod mounting), and began shooting through it with a Canon SLR. This gave me a portable window, to play with the balance of reflected and transmitted light … and form images reminiscent of artists like Lyonel Feininger.

This work evolved in St Kilda in the '90s when I began experimenting with transparency layers, where two or more slides are framed together, forming a new composition.

Littoral Years series -
In 2003 I switched from 35mm to digital, before settling by the points and coves near Apollo Bay, with their intriguing range of low tide colours and prehistoric shapes. With quiet exploration of the natural forms there, a camera can be a great tool for contemplative insight.

The coastal theme of this photography is more a coincidence of old friendships than strategic intention. So while the theme reflects a long trail of interests, there could have been a Desert Years series, if company and landscape romance had landed me in central Australia for example.